The weekend Bryce Faulkner went home to come out to his parent was not a good one.
After threats of disownment he managed to get one last phone call to his boyfirend before his phone, money and car were confiscated. WHere is he now?
Ex-gay therapy.
This vile, evil practice is so so awful. People are forced to pray away the gay.
Needless to say it is the hugest falacy imaginable, leaving people emotionally ravaged and with less self worth than when they started.
WIth no way of contacting the world outside the fundamentalist Exodus centre Bryce's boyfirend Travis is leading the campain tio help him.
But don't think this is some redneck American issue. Ex-gay centres are all over the world. Spreading hate and bile and telling people homosexuality is a disease with a cure.
For more info, or to support the campaign to help Bryce and the thousands of others like him visit the followinf sites:
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