I have drawn various conclusions:
1, It is rediculously hard to wander absent mindedly across the street, due to rediculous amounts of unannounced cyclists.
2, Customer service is not high on the Dutch pirority scale.
3, Never go through a turning door should a woman with a bag made from old bits of carpet be approaching from the other side. The fact she owns such a monstrasity is indication enough that all will not go well.
Below are various bits and bobs I found pleasant.
Some nice pseudo Roman / Facist fontage.
Amazing oliphent (my one word of Dutch) railing / balistrade.
More animals as street furniture. A key decorating theme for 2009 in my view.
Brilliant stripey building (a personal favourite architecture wise).
Proof, should it be needed, that the Dutch should be expelled from the EU for crimes against humanity for forcing kiddies onto bikes below the age of 18. The worst of hate crimes to my mind.
Mark droping me off / making sure he has got rid off me at the station after the best weekend.
'I said juice, not Jews'.
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