Thursday, 13 November 2008


In celebration of Halloween here is a picture of me as a werewolf.
Unfortunatly I didn't get to dress up for Halloween, about which I am mortally upset.


Karen Re-worked

Karen asked me to re-work a portrait I did off her a couple of years ago for her new pad.
It is completely different to the one that got lost on some messed old mother board, but no doubt superior.



Here is a drawing what I finished recently and quite like.
Unfortunately nobody seems to want to publish it.
I blame Robert Murdoch.


Friday, 17 October 2008

V&A Magazine.

I have a set of illustration in the new V1A magazine, accompanying an article about the new exhibition of the wardrobes of the last nine Tsars of Russia.


It's my first editorial over one page, and took about 30 hours to finish, so I'm rather pleased it looks okay!